The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Madness, Geniality & Poetry

My poetry may still be private, meant for the eyes of my friends in their happiness or sadness, and specially for my muses in my shortsighted infatuations, but they intend to become a testament to my life and my emotions. 

Chesterton: ‘Wherever there is Animal worship, there is Human Sacrifice’

FA Hayek on Coercion

Barbie v Moloch

Show Me On This Doll Where the Non-Aggression Principle Hurt You

The Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) is a foundational concept in libertarian philosophy and ethics. It serves as a guiding principle for interactions between individuals and as a basis for defining the limits of justifiable force and coercion in society. The NAP… Continue Reading →

Pro-Choice Bingo

How many fallacies will you encounter?? Our Summa of the Pro-Life Position is a good counter to all of them:

Motorcycle-less Diaries in Vistula Land

I’ve been studying a lot the life of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, not because I agree with him or his ideas (which, on the record, I oppose by principle), but because as a fellow Hispanic, a student with revolutionary ambitions, I have felt that my trip, my stay, my travel to a foreign land, has changed me forever and has developed my ideas to extents I would have never thought of.

Christian Foundations of Libertarianism

Many Catholics and Christians have a false understanding of libertarianism. They think that Ayn Rand invented the philosophy or that it’s a spawn of the atheistic Enlightenment. They insist that it is a degenerate philosophy in which “doing what you… Continue Reading →

Kamala Harris Leaves Out God and Life While Quoting Declaration of Independence in Speech on Abortion

Here is the Vice President of the Death Cult of the State quoting America’s Founding document. “A promise we made in the Declaration of Independence. That we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”… Continue Reading →

Nadler: Pro-Life Bill ‘Endangers’ Infants Who Survive Abortion by Trying to Save their Lives

House Democrats posed an absurd claim Wednesday in opposition to the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, claiming that requiring a newborn baby to be taken to the hospital somehow “endangers” the child’s life. “The problem with this bill is… Continue Reading →

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