The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


Eric Robert Morse

The first lesson in troubleshooting

The Boy Who Cried ‘Hate’

While snowflakes were falling over San Antonio last night, snowflakes everywhere were in a flurry over the downfall of The Libertarian Catholic Facebook page. In an abrupt conclusion to what had been a tempestuous week, Facebook made the decision to… Continue Reading →

I always thought something was odd about that guy

The Misogyny of Feminism

When Taylor Swift recently declared herself to be a feminist, she said it was in part because she realized that Feminism isn’t necessarily anti-men. It is unknown whether she realized that it is in fact anti-women. I have watched with great… Continue Reading →

How a ‘Personal Relationship with Jesus’ Steers Us Away from Jesus

Originally posted on the author’s site, I was recently at a talk on Catholic New Evangelization and the speaker began with a provocative question: What is our central goal and purpose as Catholics? After giving the audience a little… Continue Reading →

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