The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


Ugo Stornaiolo S.

Originalism and Textualism are not enough against Constitutional Lawfare

Power is actively exercised by a liberal elite that does not care about the literal meaning of rules, and when it does, it has them in their favor.

The Fifth School and the Nominalist Trap

Anarcho-traditionalists, as well as Populists, Integralists, Benedictines and Tradinistas, are all part of the same Catholic Church, and as such, must always remember their end goal is to promote the restoration of a Christian Order in society.

Accidental Flag-Bearers: Ultramarines

The wealthy West has forgotten the meaning of traditions, the importance of order, the need for liberty. Hispanic peoples can help them remember.

Common Good Republic against Identity Politics

At its very core, Republic, and its etymological cousin, Commonwealth, mean common good, the institutions and conditions established under the principles of virtue to provide for the freedom and opportunity to prosper both individually and communally. With the rise of identity politics and a friend-enemy distinction between ideologically different tribes, the meaning of Republic seems to have been lost in their fight, with power being co-opted by interest groups. Could identity politics mean the greatest threat to our Republic and to the common good?

Love: The Soul of Conservatism

By Ugo Stornaiolo S. There is very common and widespread misconception on the worldview and the mindset of a conservative. Most people really tend to believe conservatism is all about distaste of modernity, of irrational opposition to progress, in contrast… Continue Reading →

Liberal Illiberalism & Illiberal Liberalism

By Ugo Stornaiolo S. Yes, you read that right: it is not an incoherence, nor a rhetorical figure. It is not a self-accusation of contradiction of our non-liberal thinking neither. It is pretty much the sum of our ideas, both… Continue Reading →

Family, Property, and Inheritance: Institutions for Civilization and Their Enemies

By Ugo Stornaiolo Silva In the history of ideas, the meaning they have on the establishment and function of an ordered society, few institutions are as important or are as closely related as Family, Property, and Inheritance. Most modern conceptions… Continue Reading →

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