The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Pope Francis Says Pro-Abortion Comedians’ Jokes ‘Make God Smile’

Pope Francis met with 100 comedians from around the world, including death-cult pro-abortion cheerleaders Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Whoopi Goldberg, telling them that their jokes “make God smile.” In his address to the room, Red Francis said, “I look with esteem… Continue Reading →

If Your Federal Buildings are Adorned with Homoerotic Worker Porn, Your Government May Have Been Completely Infiltrated by Communists

To Revive the Eucharist, Revive the Traditional Latin Mass

If there is one thing that makes us Catholic, it is the Eucharist. As it is said in the Catechism, “the Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life.’”  That is why it was so alarming to hear… Continue Reading →

The Narrative Genius of Zeffirelli’s ‘Jesus of Nazareth’

Amid Eastertide, there might not be a better time for the faithful and curious alike to immerse themselves in the profound narrative of Christ’s life, passion, and resurrection. While the chic option these days is the indie series The Chosen,… Continue Reading →

Timepiece of the Passion

Cinema with a Soul: ‘Cabrini’ Among the Best Biopics

From the opening scene, you know that this film is something special.  The dramatic vision of a boy carting his dying mother to the hospital on the streets of 1880s New York, the authorities’ callous response, and the boy’s tragic… Continue Reading →

Shia LaBeouf Receives Confirmation into the Catholic Church

Actor Shia LaBeouf was received into the Catholic Church with the sacrament of confirmation by Winona-Rochester, Minnesota, Bishop Robert Barron on Sunday evening.  We are thrilled to share that our dear friend Shia LaBeouf has fully entered the Church this… Continue Reading →

Subsidiarity as the Answer to the Beast and the Whore of Babylon

In a recent paper published on the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC), authors Jonathan Pageau and Jordan Peterson assign the familiar characters of Revelation to the prevailing mindsets of the modern world. The Beast is “civilisation and its leaders, the… Continue Reading →

On Passion, the Sublime & Limit-Experiences

Our passion, derived from love, would make us suffer in search of the sublime. And the sublime would be nothing but what already is beautiful but expanded to the same extreme perceptions that are already hurting and making us suffer. Enter the realm of limit-experiences.

Will ChatGPT Deprive Us From Free-Thinking?

We are undergoing a new technological revolution. The so-called “fourth phase” is featured by the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data, which are usually inter-connected. The amount of available data is speedly increasing, in such an exponential way…. Continue Reading →

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