The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Libertarian Santa

Before you make fun of children for believing in me, remember, there are adults who still believe in socialism.

Economist Thomas Sowell on Pope Francis’ Economics

What does the Bible say about walls?

How some distributionists defend their economic prescriptions

Presbyterian Minister Who Welcomes Everyone Protests Trump: “You’re Not Welcome Here”

Presbyterian “minister”: “We welcome everybody here!” Also Presbyterian “minister”: “You’re not welcome here!”

Distributism in Somalia

No, democratic socialism is not compatible with Catholic social teaching

In an article in the Jesuit American Magazine, Brianne Jacobs argues that the current wave of democratic socialism crashing over the Democratic party is in line with Catholic social teaching. She writes that in three ways, democratic socialism is Catholic… Continue Reading →

Cardinal Cupich setting priorities

Cooperation does not Require Coercion

Judgment According to Pope Francis

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