(Catholic Harold) Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah has accused Western bishops of worldliness and of succumbing to the temptation of “practical atheism” as they lose faith in the teachings of the Catholic Church. The former prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for… Continue Reading →
If there is one thing that makes us Catholic, it is the Eucharist. As it is said in the Catechism, “the Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life.’” That is why it was so alarming to hear… Continue Reading →
After decades as the poster boy for New Atheism, ‘God Delusion’ author Richard Dawkins says he is a “cultural Christian”. Speaking to Rachel Johnson on LBC Radio, Dawkins said he was “happy” that the number of professing Christians in the… Continue Reading →
From the opening scene, you know that this film is something special. The dramatic vision of a boy carting his dying mother to the hospital on the streets of 1880s New York, the authorities’ callous response, and the boy’s tragic… Continue Reading →
The Bible is often quoted as prohibiting judgment, with the famous line from Matthew 7:1, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” However, a deeper examination of Scripture reveals that while the Bible does caution against unrighteous judgment,… Continue Reading →
Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has announced his resignation, in a surprise move. Speaking to journalists outside government buildings in Dublin on Wednesday, Varadkar said he would resign as soon as his successor could take up office. The resignation follows… Continue Reading →
By Mario J. Haas (Editor’s note: This essay is a response to Ugo Stornaiolo’s Cultural Statelessness & the Mirage of Belonging) This recent article gave me a lot of insight, and it was especially interesting to me, because it is… Continue Reading →
In a call to spiritual renewal amidst the numerous crises facing the world today, Cardinal Raymond Burke has launched a nine-month novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The novena, which will begin on March 12th and end on the Feast… Continue Reading →
For those suffering of culturally statelessness, being Catholic might be their main cultural identity, because it is the one universal thing that can bring together cultures so dissimilar like the ones that compose their overall fragmented background.
Great Jordan Peterson Interview with EWTN’s Colm Flynn. “Saving the planet, which Pope Francis seems to be on about constantly when he should be saving souls. That’s how you save the planet, not worshiping Gaia!”
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