The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Distributists must be really spiritual

Romania builds cathedral instead of hospital

We’d much rather it be a cathedral instead of a government building, but we’ll take it.

If liberals are morally superior, why do they need a 3rd-party government to help others?

A Libertarian Defense of Distributism

Distributism doesn’t mean what you think it does. It’s not some kind of baptized-socialism that should more accurately be called “redistributionism.” Distributism is radical. It’s self-reliant. It’s a man-against-the-world anarchy that even the most committed acolyte of Ayn Rand can… Continue Reading →

Why Is “Putting Food on the Table” More Important for Government Employees?

MISSING: Ambitious Young People Looking to Shovel Snow for Money

The Trilogy of Anti-Free Market Ideologies

When a Government Shutdown isn’t Really a Government Shutdown

Tucker Carlson Defends the American Family; Wages War on Market Capitalism

In a sort of conservative manifesto, Tucker Carlson laid out a defense of the family and critique of market capitalism in his January 2 monologue: In it, he makes some great points about the family:   Thirty years ago, conservatives… Continue Reading →

Democratic Socialists Ignore Democratic Socialist Venezuela

Another take:

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