We are conservatives because we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres as the living tissue of society, we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres, in which the virtues to sustain civilization are promoted and taught in each generation, building traditions based on moral principles and institutions that are meant to preserve the historical common good for future generations. We are also classical, for we firmly believe that there are different spheres of class to which each individual person belongs, fulfilling different roles and exercising different rights in each; a set of mutually inclusive allegiances that allow the free development of the best in our nature, both individually and socially.
In an interview with the Jesuit America Magazine, Pope Francis made the case that Our Lord was a communist: “If I see the Gospel in a sociological way only, yes, I am a communist, and so too is Jesus.” He… Continue Reading →
From “Freedom Under God” by Fulton J. Sheen
Our publisher Libertas Press has just released the audiobook for “Freedom Under God” by Fulton J. Sheen. To celebrate, we’re giving away 25 copies to our subscribers. Just sign up at https://thelibertariancatholic.com/subscribe/ and confirm to be entered to win!
As the world descended into medical fascism during the COVID pandemic, Mattias Desmet was one of the voices providing an explanation. He asserted that much of the world had been primed for totalitarianism through a sense of alienation from fellow… Continue Reading →
Corporations have long been a boogieman of socialists and communists because, according to them, everything that is not owned by the collective is capitalist. As Politstrum International states: “Modern corporations are large capitalist enterprises created specifically by the development of… Continue Reading →
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