The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



For the Man Who Would Be Prince

Read the foreword for Libertas Press upcoming book, Achaean Disputes, authored by The Libertarian Catholic Contributing Editor, Ugo Stornaiolo S., and delving in matters of mediaeval history, law & genealogy.

Harrison Butker 2024 Commencement Speech at Benedictine College

The speech created quite a stir from the likes of Chelsea Handler: To which our retort is:

Cultural Statelessness & the Mirage of Belonging

For those suffering of culturally statelessness, being Catholic might be their main cultural identity, because it is the one universal thing that can bring together cultures so dissimilar like the ones that compose their overall fragmented background.

Perceived Intelligence Verses Actual Intelligence


St. Thomas Aquinas’s First (Efficient) Cause Argument for the Existence of God

There are various arguments for the existence of God, but one of the most compelling is a logical proof developed by St. Thomas Aquinas and later refined by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The First Way: Motion St. Thomas Aquinas argues, “It… Continue Reading →

Jesuit University Georgetown Hosts Dialogue with Satanic Temple

Georgetown hosted an event with “the Executive Ministry of the Satanic Temple” this coming Monday night in the name of “dialogue”: Pretty sure the founder of the Society of Jesus, Ignatius of Loyola, wouldn’t endorse dialoging with the devil. He… Continue Reading →

The Catholic Church is the Most Charitable Organization on Earth

Amidst the countless challenges faced by humanity, the Catholic Church stands out as a shining beacon of charity and compassion. With a rich legacy rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Church has consistently demonstrated its commitment to serving… Continue Reading →

Children are More Likely to be Sexually Abused by Public School Teachers than Catholic Priests

Child abuse is a deeply distressing issue that must be confronted and addressed in all its forms and settings. While any form of child abuse is abhorrent and demands attention, it is essential to critically examine the available data to… Continue Reading →

‘Our Kids Are Not Your Emotional Support Animals’: Mom Rips School Board on CRT and SEL

A 6-Year-Old Transgender Child is Like a Vegan Cat

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