The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Women’s “Progress”

Brandmüller and Burke call out ‘plague of the homosexual agenda’ in open letter to bishops

In an open letter, the cardinals call on bishops attending this week’s Vatican summit on clerical sex abuse to end their silence on moral corruption in the Church and uphold the divine and natural law: Open Letter to the Presidents… Continue Reading →

Plea from the Preborn

Family is True Feminism

Feminism is a scam:

If only Baptists were allowed to marry…

Republican Pro-life Sticks and Carrots

Where’s the lie?

New Mexico passes most extreme abortion bill in country

The Culture of Death is marching in New Mexico. Following the New York abortion law celebrated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Vermont is pushing a “right to abortion” bill that goes even further. But opponents of a new abortion bill in… Continue Reading →

Insta-killed because your mom wants to make Power-Points instead of raise you

Openly advocate infanticide and no one bats an eye; dress up in black face and everyone loses their minds!

Baby Killers

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