The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Catholic Foundation for the Separation of Church and State

Many Catholics criticize libertarianism as a “spawn” of the Enlightenment, which was in direct opposition to the Catholic Church. They say that separation of church and state is an error and that the Church must be the head of the… Continue Reading →

Who Killed 100 Million People?

When You Risk Everything to Fight Nazis then Become Nazis

Incensed 1: Is the Modern Church Emasculating?

Join JSB Morse, Ross McKnight, and Eric Robert Morse as they discuss the Church Impotent: Is the Modern Church Emasculating? Ranging from topics such as spiritual types, church architecture, and the differences between men and women, this conversation marks the… Continue Reading →

Britons Then and Now

Claude-Frédéric Bastiat

The author of some of the foundational libertarian books (The Law) and concepts (broken window fallacy), Claude-Frédéric Bastiat was raised in a tumultuous time for the Church in France. He was a economic liberal but saw it as a means… Continue Reading →

Funny Sign About Government Taking Our Guns

Which side of the gun debate do you think Holocaust victims would be on today?

At Least There Weren’t Any School Shootings In Nazi Germany!!!!!

The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail

A Republic. If You Can Keep It.

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