The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



History of the Catholic Church

Fascinating perspective:

When the Whole World is Running Toward a Cliff, He Who is Running in the Opposite Direction Appears to Have Lost his Mind: CS Lewis

“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God,” —Romans 12.

Leaflets of the White Rose

I Nothing is more unworthy of a civilized people than being “ruled” without resistance by an irresponsible clique of rulers who are devoted to dark instincts. Isn’t it the case that every honest German is ashamed of his government today, and… Continue Reading →

Sophie Scholl

Sophia Magdalena Scholl was a German student and anti-Nazi political activist, active within the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany. Based upon letters between Scholl and her boyfriend, Fritz Hartnagel (reported and analyzed by Gunter Biemer and Jakob Knab in the journal Newman… Continue Reading →

Communist Cycle

No, Capitalism Hasn’t Killed Millions of People

In response to the historic evidence of communist regimes killing over 100 million through democidal sociopathy, communists have tried to turn the argument on its head, claiming that “Well, ackshully, capitalism has killed hundreds of millions too!” The argument goes… Continue Reading →

The Austrian School as a Conservative School of Economics

There might be a strong case to classify the Austrian School as a conservative school of economic thought instead of keeping it as the libertarian doctrine it is known nowadays.

Quas Primas: Introducing the Feast of Christ the King

ON THE FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING To Our Venerable Brethren the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Ordinaries in Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See. Venerable Brethren, Greeting and the Apostolic Benediction. In the first Encyclical Letter which… Continue Reading →

Summa Libertas: A Compendium on Faith and Freedom

Our publishing imprint, Libertas Press, is pleased to announce the release of our first publication: Summa Libertas: A Compendium on Faith and Freedom When Our Lord was tempted in the desert, the devil offered Him “all the kingdoms of the… Continue Reading →

Mass Formation Psychosis and Medical Tyranny

A doctor recently posted a perfect example of the covidiocy we have been submerged in: He is COVID-positive but can continue working because he is fully vaccinated even though they fired COVID-negative healthcare workers who weren’t vaccinated. If you ever… Continue Reading →

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