The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Woke Fascism: Bake the Damned Cake

Solzhenitsyn on Faith and the State

“The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s… Continue Reading →

FBI Targeting Traditional Catholics: Whistleblower

Kyle Seraphin, who calls himself a recovering FBI agent, is reporting on a whistleblower document from the FBI that has targeted traditional Catholics. The document from the FBI is entitled “Interest of Racially- or Ethnically- Motivated Violent Extremist in Radical… Continue Reading →

In Defense of Intermediate Bodies and Sphere Sovereignty: What the NatCon Manifesto Could Take from Catholic and Reformed Thought

We are conservatives because we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres as the living tissue of society, we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres, in which the virtues to sustain civilization are promoted and taught in each generation, building traditions based on moral principles and institutions that are meant to preserve the historical common good for future generations. We are also classical, for we firmly believe that there are different spheres of class to which each individual person belongs, fulfilling different roles and exercising different rights in each; a set of mutually inclusive allegiances that allow the free development of the best in our nature, both individually and socially.

Authoritarian Regimes Don’t Suddenly Become Legitimate Because they are Seemingly ‘Voted’ into Power.

I Will Mind My Business When Your Business Doesn’t Kill Innocent Humans

Feds Charge Franciscan Friar for Padlocking Long Island Planned Parenthood

The Feds have declared war on the Pro-life movement evidently. Franciscan Friar Christopher “Fidelis” Moscinski, 52, who is serving jail time on a state conviction for blocking women from entering a Westchester County clinic has been hit with federal charges for… Continue Reading →

Don’t Shoot I’m an Idiot!

Right Isn’t Always Legal; Legal Isn’t Always Right

St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us! Get the shirt here.

Some People Are Happy About The Supreme Court Overturning Roe v Wade

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