The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



St. Paul on Division

“There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.” – St. Paul to the Galatians 3:28

Why Would God Do This?

Bishop Blessed Clemens August, Graf von Galen on Nazi Death Cult

Hitler and Abortion

Hitler and the Nazis encouraged abortions for inferior peoples as documentation shows.

Politics of Abortion

In response to the Handmaid’s tale scare tactic: Without the red/blue:

Abortion is When a Baby Gets the Death Penalty for Someone Else’s Actions


‘The First Casualty of Faith is Logic’ Starter Kit

Whoever said that hasn’t read Augustine, Aquinas, Anselm, Chrysostom, Jerome, Ignatius of Loyola, Bonaventure, St. Thomas More, Gregory, Damian, or Bellarmine.

St. Thomas Aquinas’s First (Efficient) Cause Argument for the Existence of God

There are various arguments for the existence of God, but one of the most compelling is a logical proof developed by St. Thomas Aquinas and later refined by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The First Way: Motion St. Thomas Aquinas argues, “It… Continue Reading →

Biden Wants to Kill Poor People

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