The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Congratulations, You Just Invented Marriage

Feminists seem to be coming full circle and discovering that their feminism is garbage. You could point this out, but you would probably be accused of mansplaining:

So, not killing babies = creepy theocracy. Got it.

A Helpful Primer About Human Life

Nothing Is More Dangerous Than an Atheist Playing God

Liberal Logic: Blame Christianity

If you think the government makes a better parent than parents, you might be a statist

Ohio first state to fully cut Planned Parenthood funding

Ohio’s health department is ending grants and contracts that send money to Planned Parenthood after a federal appeals court upheld a state anti-abortion law that blocks public money for the group. The health department said the law requires it to… Continue Reading →

Alexis de Tocqueville

Writer and statesman, born at Verneuil, Department of Seine-et-Oise, 29 July 1805; died at Cannes, 16 April, 1859. He was the great grandson of Malesherbes, the defender of Louis XVI. As a judge at Versailles in 1830 he formed a… Continue Reading →

Lord Acton: Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

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There is no love without freedom and no freedom without love

Love and freedom are intertwined in a delicate dance, two concepts that rely on one another for their true expression and fulfillment. It can be said that there is no love without freedom and no freedom without love. This article… Continue Reading →

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