The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Taxes are for the common good

When Orthodox is Edgier Than Unorthodox

h/t Stephen Herreid

How some arguments with catholics feel

Using the State to Enforce Morals

So the Pope ordered an investigation into McCarrick…

No, democratic socialism is not compatible with Catholic social teaching

In an article in the Jesuit American Magazine, Brianne Jacobs argues that the current wave of democratic socialism crashing over the Democratic party is in line with Catholic social teaching. She writes that in three ways, democratic socialism is Catholic… Continue Reading →

Enforcing Morality

Cardinal Cupich setting priorities

HHS Terminates Contract with Fetal Tissue Vendor

The Department of Health and Human Services has issued a statement about the controversial fetal tissue vendor Advanced Bioscience Resources: After a recent review of a contract between Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. and the Food and Drug Administration to provide… Continue Reading →

Natural Family Planning, Paleo Style

Anyone familiar with Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae or Theology of the body should know about natural family planning. It’s a natural, non-invasive, and healthy means of achieving or avoiding pregnancy. It is NOT the rhythm method! Here’s the overview… Continue Reading →

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