Media outlets have picked up on this, stunned of the revelation that “everyone knew” about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s misdeeds: Lopes, the bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, said that McCarrick frequently visited his former seminary… Continue Reading →
If he did it to some money changers, imagine what he’d do to people who perpetrate evil that cries up to Heaven?
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is hosting a series of meetings this week responding to the broader issue of safe environments within the Church. An update will be offered upon… Continue Reading →
You can keep your tests; I’m keeping my baby no matter what.
A letter from the Bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas to the faithful of his diocese has been released concerning the Cardinal McCarrick sexual abuse controversy. In it Bishop Olsen acknowledges the horrors of the actions perpetrated by… Continue Reading →
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