The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



How to Win the Culture War by Peter Kreeft

In a great talk by the incomparable Peter Kreeft, he uses the voice of CS Lewis’s Screwtape to provide commentary on the current culture war. What ensues is brilliant (and often libertarian) Catholicism. Enjoy:  

Msgr. Pope on How to Vote Catholic

Msgr. Pope minces no words in a recent op-ed for the New Catholic Register. He says that Catholics have been fooled into allowing moral evils because they’ve been deemed political and thus off limits for the Church or Her practitioners… Continue Reading →

Two Videos on Sex that Every Catholic Should Watch

The Economics of Sex takes a fascinating look into sexual relations as a result of widespread contraception use: The Third Way is a compassionate look into the Church’s stance on same-sex attraction. Also, if you’re looking for a more in… Continue Reading →

Abortion is Sick

The Logic of Marriage

Words have meanings. And it makes sense to maintain those meanings if we hope to communicate effectively. It does no good to use a word to represent something that it is not. For example, it does no good for someone… Continue Reading →

BREAKING: Pope Francis Condemns All Government as Mortal Sin

In the illustrious history of cherry-picking quotes from Pope Francis to suit political purposes, rarely has it been done in support of libertarian ideas. But as the author of Everyone Agrees, which asserts that everyone really agrees despite seeming incongruities… Continue Reading →

1. In a sexual species, there are two sexes, MALE and FEMALE. 2. 99.93% of humans have XX or XY sex chromosomes (rest is mutation)*. 3. Being one sex but thinking you’re the other is a psychological disorder. 4. Mandating… Continue Reading →

Muslims Refugees Are Converting to Christianity

(Translated from Kurier) A black sunglasses covered his eyes, he wants his name not reveal fearing for his family. “You can call me Christoph call, that’s my Christian name.”Christoph is an elderly refugee from Afghanistan, since 2012 he has lived… Continue Reading →

NFL Comes Out Against Religious Liberty

The National Football League, facing serious accusations from all sides about the mental health (dramatized in the Will Smith film Concussion) and the abusive activities of its players has now come out of the closet against religious freedom. Georgia House… Continue Reading →

Cardinal Sarah Calls Out Church Rebellion

The Church in Africa is in good hands with Cardinal Sarah, who recently released a book, “God or Nothing” with some great lines. Most notable is a quote that’s getting headlines: The idea of putting Magisterial teaching in a beautiful… Continue Reading →

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