WASHINGTON — San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone issued a notice Friday that he would no longer allow House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to receive Communion after she has not repudiated her pro-abortion stance. In a public notification to Pelosi, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone wrote… Continue Reading →
More than 70 bishops from around the world have released a “fraternal open letter” to Germany’s bishops warning that sweeping changes to Church teaching advocated by the ongoing process known as the “Synodal Path” may lead to schism. Those lending… Continue Reading →
I took it pretty hard when I learned that Santa Claus didn’t actually make the global trip down everyone’s chimneys to deliver presents. When we started having kids of our own, there was never any doubt in my mind that… Continue Reading →
A moral relativist going by the handle “Voluntary Exchange” recently put forth the horrific claim that “Raping children isn’t morally wrong.” He explains that, “Nothing is inherently “right” or “wrong”, this includes every possible action you can think of, no… Continue Reading →
Dear HR Department: I have been directed to upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to continue my employment with this company. I’m sure the intention is good in this requirement but after considerable self-reflection and a great deal of… Continue Reading →
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