The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Everyone Is Equal but Some Are More Equal than Others

Hilaire Belloc on Christian Socialism

Fulton Sheen: ‘Communism is founded on the denial of inner and outer freedom—the denial of God and private property; the two go together.’

Government: Protecting Us From Climate Change Since 1350

Pope Francis Denies Biden Mass Amid Communion Controversy

Pope Francis has denied Catholic US President Joe Biden a Mass due to the controversy about Biden receiving communion stemming from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops upcoming meeting. Catholic News Agency reported: The President’s entourage had originally requested for… Continue Reading →

VATICAN: Catholic Church Can’t Bless Same-Sex Unions Since God “Cannot Bless Sin”

The Vatican decreed Monday that the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex unions since God “cannot bless sin.” The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a formal response Monday to a question about whether Catholic clergy can bless… Continue Reading →

New Orleans Archdiocese Calls Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine ‘Morally Compromised’

The Archdiocese of New Orleans is warning local Roman Catholics that the newly authorized Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine is “morally compromised as it uses the abortion-derived cell line in development and production of the vaccine as well as the… Continue Reading →

Refuse to Live By Lies

Rand Paul Decimates Gender ‘Science’ in Question to Rachel Levine

During the confirmation hear of transgender Dr. Rachel Levine to Assistant HHS Secretary, Dr. Rand Paul (R-KY) calls out the horrifying trans agenda targeting minors in state custody: Paul also noted the irony that the medical establishment was so opposed… Continue Reading →

Fake Catholic, Fake President

We don’t take this claim lightly but politicians who push the wholesale massacre of innocent humans cannot consider themselves Catholic.

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