The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



On Passion, the Sublime & Limit-Experiences

Our passion, derived from love, would make us suffer in search of the sublime. And the sublime would be nothing but what already is beautiful but expanded to the same extreme perceptions that are already hurting and making us suffer. Enter the realm of limit-experiences.

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics Must Seriously Consider the Possibility that Francis isn’t the Pope

VITIUM CONSENSUS A fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos.Numquid colligunt de spinis uvas aut de tribulis ficus?Sic omnis arbor bona fructus bonos facit; mala autem arbor fructus malos facit.Non potest arbor bona fructus malos facere, neque arbor mala fructus bonos facere.Omnis arbor… Continue Reading →

Fr. James Altman: ‘Bergoglio is Not the Pope’

Fr. James Altman calls out Pope Francis for contradicting the Catechism of Trent: Fr. Altman explains that people who assert or imply that, “The holy eucharist can be re even while not in the state of grace because of baby-murdering… Continue Reading →

No, You Shouldn’t ‘Trust the Science’

“The scientific theorist is not to be envied. For Nature, or more precisely experiment, is an inexorable and not very friendly judge of his work. It never says ‘Yes’ to a theory. In the most favorable cases, it says ‘Maybe,’… Continue Reading →

Is Religion the Cause of Most Conflict in the World?

Many people think that much of the world’s conflict is caused by religion. One recent commenter on one of our social media pages said, “religion only ever holds its grasp on humanity through violence and persecution. The only inevitability is… Continue Reading →

The Only Thing Jesus Had in Common with Communists is When He Didn’t Eat for 40 Days: Njala

From a post on the Fascbook in response to Pope Francis’s insane comment.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ‘Civil Religion’

The Social Contract Book IV Chapter VIII At first men had no kings save the gods, and no government save theocracy. They reasoned like Caligula, and, at that period, reasoned aright. It takes a long time for feeling so to… Continue Reading →

Sheen on Religion and Liberty

“Religion and the rights of man go hand in hand. The decline of human liberty in the world is in direct ratio with the decline of religion. Religion and tyranny grow in indirect ratio. That is why those states which… Continue Reading →

In Defense of Intermediate Bodies and Sphere Sovereignty: What the NatCon Manifesto Could Take from Catholic and Reformed Thought

We are conservatives because we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres as the living tissue of society, we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres, in which the virtues to sustain civilization are promoted and taught in each generation, building traditions based on moral principles and institutions that are meant to preserve the historical common good for future generations. We are also classical, for we firmly believe that there are different spheres of class to which each individual person belongs, fulfilling different roles and exercising different rights in each; a set of mutually inclusive allegiances that allow the free development of the best in our nature, both individually and socially.

Just War Doctrine

As early as the fifth century, St. Augustine of Hippo was considering the moral consequences of war. He was one of the first people to articulate a philosophical statement on war and justice, known as the Just War doctrine. St…. Continue Reading →

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