The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



St. Patrick’s Ill-Fated Blind Date

Fake Catholic, Fake President

We don’t take this claim lightly but politicians who push the wholesale massacre of innocent humans cannot consider themselves Catholic.

Biblical Political Map

The Body of Christ Can’t Be Live-Streamed

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Probably the only new calendar feast that’s an improvement over the traditional calendar (Feast of the Circumcision of Jesus).

The Modern Religion

It’s Christmas!

Pope Francis Bows to Caesar in Brazenly Socialist ‘Fratelli Tutti’

In his latest encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” Pope Francis has contradicted centuries of Catholic teaching by trying to reconcile socialism with the Catholic faith. Pope Francis is basically saying that the modern world has problems: 170. I would once more observe… Continue Reading →

Gorsuch Dissent in Calvary Chapel Versus Nevada

Gorsuch makes the most of his single paragraph dissent:

The Perils of Contextual Theology

Christian theology is in crisis. According to theologian Peter C. Phan, forces internal and external to the Church have culminated to a point where “drastically divergent answers are given to such fundamental issues as the nature of God, the role… Continue Reading →

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