The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



When the modern world says to us aloud, “You may be religious when you are alone,” it adds under its breath, “And I will see to it that you never are alone.”

BREAKING: New Supreme Court Blocks Cuomo’s Church COVID Restrictions

The Supreme Court late Wednesday night sided with the Diocese of Brooklyn and two Orthodox Jewish synagogues to block New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive order restricting attendance at houses of worship. Both the diocese and the synagogues claimed that… Continue Reading →

My Body is a Temple

Pope Francis on People with Same-Sex Attraction

Pope Francis Bows to Caesar in Brazenly Socialist ‘Fratelli Tutti’

In his latest encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” Pope Francis has contradicted centuries of Catholic teaching by trying to reconcile socialism with the Catholic faith. Pope Francis is basically saying that the modern world has problems: 170. I would once more observe… Continue Reading →

Imagine If 50 Million Babies Were Allowed Dying Wishes

Laura Klassen On Reproductive Choices

The COVIDS by Dr. Seuss

This is fantastic! “The COVIDS”   Now, the Mask Wearing People had faces with masks.The Open Face People refused and held fast. Those masks did no good, ‘cause the virus is small.You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at… Continue Reading →

Gorsuch Dissent in Calvary Chapel Versus Nevada

Gorsuch makes the most of his single paragraph dissent:

Quarantine Karen

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