The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Cooperation With Evil Diagram

Republican Pro-life Sticks and Carrots

Where’s the lie?

New Mexico passes most extreme abortion bill in country

The Culture of Death is marching in New Mexico. Following the New York abortion law celebrated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Vermont is pushing a “right to abortion” bill that goes even further. But opponents of a new abortion bill in… Continue Reading →

Baby Killers

The same people who called our troops “baby killers” in Vietnam are now literally advocating killing babies here in the US

You had one job.

Watch as Virginia Governor Advocates for Infanticide

Just days after New York legalized abortion up to the point of birth, legislators in Virginia are pushing for the same thing and even more barbaric laws. This is Democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam discussing the proposal: “If a mother… Continue Reading →

Christian Asia Bibi is freed from death row after blasphemy charge overruled

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has overturned Asia Bibi’s conviction and death sentence for blasphemy. After a nine-year-long battle, Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five, is free to go. Asia Bibi was arrested in 2009 and convicted in 2010… Continue Reading →

Separation of Church and State is Not Constitutional

There are so many things wrong with this Tweet response including the fact that having an option isn’t forcing anything and the First Amendment doesn’t call for a separation of church and state.

There’s no such thing as a “safe” abortion

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