The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Why can’t you just be normal??

No, democratic socialism is not compatible with Catholic social teaching

In an article in the Jesuit American Magazine, Brianne Jacobs argues that the current wave of democratic socialism crashing over the Democratic party is in line with Catholic social teaching. She writes that in three ways, democratic socialism is Catholic… Continue Reading →

Kavanaugh O’Rourke Double Standard

Every Catholic Girl’s Dream

Learn more about Natural Family Planning.

Thomas Sowell on Disagreement

Or worse, you’re considered to be doing physical harm to someone with whom you disagree.

Ohio Class Icebreaker “Whom to Leave Behind” is Everything Wrong with Society

Students at an Ohio middle school were asked to decide who they would leave behind if the world was about to end, using age, religion and other descriptions as markers for their decisions The assignment is ostensibly designed to get… Continue Reading →

Houston’s Cardinal DiNardo Reportedly Knew About Abusive Priest, Moved Him to Another Parish

Catholic priest Manuel LaRosa-Lopez was arrested Tuesday by police in Conroe, Texas on sexual abuse charges. Now two victims are claiming that they reported LaRosa-Lopez to Houston-Galveston’s Archbisop Daniel Dinardo, who is the President of the United States Conference of… Continue Reading →

The Same People Praising Colin Kaepernick for Taking a Knee for His Beliefs Are the Same People Who Told Tim Tebow to Stop Taking a Knee for His

What Does a YAM Do?

Have you ever noticed your Catholic friends referring to YAM? In Catholic circles, that stands for “Young Adult Ministry.” That’s what I mean when I type YAM on this blog. If I don’t use caps, and simply write “yam,” then I’m… Continue Reading →

Archbishop Donald Weurl to Meet With Pope Francis About Resignation

The Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Donal Weurl has declared his intention to meet with Pope Francis about his resignation. In a letter sent to priests of the Archdiocese of Washington Sept. 11, Cardinal Donald Wuerl wrote that a decision about… Continue Reading →

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