The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Ad Orientem Versus Populum

Thy will be done or my will be done?

Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth Ann Seton is one of our favorite libertarian Catholics. Born on August 28, 1774, the second child of a socially prominent couple, a surgeon, Dr. Richard Bayley and Catherine Charlton of New York City. The Bayley and Charlton families were among the… Continue Reading →

I know we’ve had one yes but what about a second Christmas?

The first person to recognize the Christ was an unborn child

Merry Christmas? False. It’s Still Advent

Bishop Barron on The Ben Shapiro Show—Full Interview

One of the leading conservative commentators, Ben Shapiro, questions one of the foremost Catholic apologists. In the fascinating discussion, they delve into cosmology, theology, and a few other ologies. Critics will immediately jump on Bishop Barron’s position that those outside… Continue Reading →

Play Statist Games, Win Statist Prizes

Adding the word “social” makes things sound fishy, like “social” justice

Pope Francis Wants to Tweak the Our Father

Pope Francis thinks the Church should tweak the translation of the “Our Father” to clear up the confusion around the phrase “lead us not into temptation.” “That is not a good translation,” the pope said in a interview on Wednesday… Continue Reading →

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