In an effort to help ease the pain of the masses during the corona lockdown, Gal Gadot, star of Marvel’s Wonder Woman, shared a video of some big time celebrities badly singing John Lennon’s ode to atheistic socialism “Imagine” on… Continue Reading →
Montesquieu, Bastiat, Tocqueville, and Hayek all maintained high esteem for liberty and were undoubtedly indebted to the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (for political philosophy). They all died Catholic. Their political philosophies lead them to the One True Faith. Read them!
Some elites and supranational entities, by means of governments, are trying to impose values based on a materialist, pagan, marxist, pro single government, French-Revolution-inspired and totalitarian “false religion”.
The Dr. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon podcast recently explored the economic and theologic legitimacy of distributism with Dr. Jay Richards. The three bring up some majors flaws with the system and conclude that it is just another form of… Continue Reading →
Pachamama has been sent packing! Controversial Pachamama idols, central to an idol worship ceremony that desacrated the Vatican during the Amazon Synod have been removed from a church and thrown back to nature in the Tiber River: Caption on the… Continue Reading →
In Project Veritas‘s ongoing campaign to uncover the political agenda of Big Tech, a new video shows a Google whistleblower describing the latest censorship campaign targeting enemies of the Left like Dave Rubin and Steven Crowder. The launch meeting was… Continue Reading →
Acton University is not your typical conference. It’s a four-day celebration with 1,000 of your newest liberty loving friends from all over the world. Each day is packed with thought-provoking presentations on the intellectual foundations of a free society. Sharpen… Continue Reading →
Jordan Peterson is launching a social network—Thinkspot—to promote free speech in a field dominated by Big Tech censorship. The famous clinical psychologist is beta testing what is billed as “an intellectual playground for censorship-free discourse” at a time when Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,… Continue Reading →
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