The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate

Page 15 of 148

Why Would God Do This?

Speaker Mike Johnson Sets Record Straight on Church and State

Megan Rapinoe Says Getting Injured 6 Minutes into Championship Match is ‘Proof’ there isn’t a God

It may be a joke, but this sounds like a lot of the atheist arguments we hear. Megan Rapinoe went down in the sixth minute as OL Reign lost to Gotham FC in the National Women’s Soccer League Championship on Saturday night…. Continue Reading →

Pope Francis Dismisses Bishop Strickland

(LifeSiteNews) After the Vatican undertook an investigation of one of the most popular Catholic bishops in America, who is also one of the most outspokenly pro-life bishops, Pope Francis abruptly removed him from his duties today. Pope Francis sacked Texas… Continue Reading →

You Must Trust the $cience!

Bishop Blessed Clemens August, Graf von Galen on Nazi Death Cult

Hitler and Abortion

Hitler and the Nazis encouraged abortions for inferior peoples as documentation shows.

Common Atheist Arguments

Too Many Religion A common atheist argument is “There are a lot of other religions and gods. You’re atheist for all those other gods. I just take it one step further. You deny every other religion in the history of… Continue Reading →

Politics of Abortion

In response to the Handmaid’s tale scare tactic: Without the red/blue:

Abortion is When a Baby Gets the Death Penalty for Someone Else’s Actions

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