The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate

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I Identify as a Judge

Vivek Ramaswamy: LGBTQ Cult Fills Void of Identity Once Religion is Taken Away

In this video, entrepreneur and presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy efficiently articulates how the LGBTQ cult has filled the void of identity once “faith, freedom, patriotism, and hard work” are taken away. “Karl Marx understood that well, but I think the… Continue Reading →

The First Pride Month

Louisiana Catholic Farm Targeted for Celebrating Sacred Heart Month Instead of Pride

Friends of ours at Backwater Foie Gras in Southeastern Louisiana are catching flack for daring to celebrate the Sacred Heart in June as opposed to the Death Cult of the State’s official celebration of Pride. In an Instagram post Sunday,… Continue Reading →

‘Liberal Woman’ Goes Viral on TikTok for Saying it’s Hard to Find ‘Masculine’ Man Who’s not Conservative

A self-proclaimed “liberal woman” went viral on TikTok in recent days for posting a video complaining about not being able to find a masculine man who is “not conservative.” A self-proclaimed “liberal woman” went viral on TikTok in recent days for posting a video… Continue Reading →

Augustine: ‘It was Pride that Changed Angels into Devils; It is Humility that Makes Men as Angels.’

What Would Jesus Do?

Remind him that flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip is within the realm of possibility. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”… Continue Reading →

No, You Shouldn’t ‘Trust the Science’

“The scientific theorist is not to be envied. For Nature, or more precisely experiment, is an inexorable and not very friendly judge of his work. It never says ‘Yes’ to a theory. In the most favorable cases, it says ‘Maybe,’… Continue Reading →

Augustine: ‘What You Desire is not the Tranquillity of the Commonwealth, but the Impunity of Your Own Vicious Luxury’

From City of God: Depraved by good fortune, and not chastened by adversity, what you desire in the restoration of a peaceful and secure state, is not the tranquillity of the commonwealth, but the impunity of your own vicious luxury.

St. Thomas Aquinas’s Theonomian View: A Harmonious Synthesis of Divine Law and Human Reason

St. Thomas Aquinas, the esteemed theologian and philosopher of the thirteenth century, is renowned for his significant contributions to Christian thought. Among his various philosophical and theological perspectives, Aquinas’s Theonomian view stands out as a compelling framework that seeks to… Continue Reading →

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