The question of whether God exists or not has been a subject of debate for centuries, with different schools of thought offering varying perspectives. However, one of the most significant consequences of the non-existence of God is the absence of… Continue Reading →
David Clements, a former law professor and conservative political commentator, has produced a documentary titled “Let My People Go.” The documentary investigates the alleged voter fraud and irregularities that occurred during the 2020 U.S. presidential election, which according to Clements… Continue Reading →
For those suffering of culturally statelessness, being Catholic might be their main cultural identity, because it is the one universal thing that can bring together cultures so dissimilar like the ones that compose their overall fragmented background.
Great Jordan Peterson Interview with EWTN’s Colm Flynn. “Saving the planet, which Pope Francis seems to be on about constantly when he should be saving souls. That’s how you save the planet, not worshiping Gaia!”
It appears the new film about Mother Cabrini by Angel Studios is well made and compelling but pushes a feminism that is hard to reconcile with any saint.
An MSNBC guest host Heidi Przybyla expressed disdain for so-called “Christian nationalists” who rightly think that rights don’t come from Congress or the Supreme Court, but come from God: This is a perfect encapsulation of what St. Augustine called the… Continue Reading →
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