The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Originalism and Textualism are not enough against Constitutional Lawfare

Power is actively exercised by a liberal elite that does not care about the literal meaning of rules, and when it does, it has them in their favor.

Pope Francis Denies Biden Mass Amid Communion Controversy

Pope Francis has denied Catholic US President Joe Biden a Mass due to the controversy about Biden receiving communion stemming from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops upcoming meeting. Catholic News Agency reported: The President’s entourage had originally requested for… Continue Reading →

Priest: The Second Catholic US President is the Most Anti-Catholic President In History

Father Jerry Pokorsky did not mince words in his latest post for “In Gratitude for Joe Biden”, contrasting the devoutly Catholic facade that the second US Catholic president presents and his virulently anti-Catholic actions. Father Pokorsky presents a damning… Continue Reading →

Chelsea Clinton Complains Her Grandmother Didn’t Have Access to Planned Parenthood

BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul Introduces ‘Life at Conception Act’

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced the “Life at Conception Act” in the US Senate that would extend the rights guaranteed under the 14th Amendment to preborn babies: To implement equal protection for the right to life of each born… Continue Reading →

Fake Catholic, Fake President

We don’t take this claim lightly but politicians who push the wholesale massacre of innocent humans cannot consider themselves Catholic.

The Second “Catholic” President Thinks Killing Babies is Health Care

BREAKING: Trump Declares Jan 22 National Sanctity of Life Day

With just a couple days left in his first term, President Donald Trump has left a gift for pro-abortion “Catholic” President-elect Joe Biden: National Sanctity of Life Day, January 22, 2021. Here is Trump’s proclamation: Every human life is a… Continue Reading →

On Judgment Day

My Body is a Temple

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