In an interview with the Jesuit America Magazine, Pope Francis made the case that Our Lord was a communist: “If I see the Gospel in a sociological way only, yes, I am a communist, and so too is Jesus.” He… Continue Reading →
Our publisher Libertas Press has just released the audiobook for “Freedom Under God” by Fulton J. Sheen. To celebrate, we’re giving away 25 copies to our subscribers. Just sign up at and confirm to be entered to win!
Corporations have long been a boogieman of socialists and communists because, according to them, everything that is not owned by the collective is capitalist. As Politstrum International states: “Modern corporations are large capitalist enterprises created specifically by the development of… Continue Reading →
In response to the historic evidence of communist regimes killing over 100 million through democidal sociopathy, communists have tried to turn the argument on its head, claiming that “Well, ackshully, capitalism has killed hundreds of millions too!” The argument goes… Continue Reading →
People who say our medical system is capitalist don’t understand the term.
After the clear failure of socialism in the 20th century and the various problems created by capitalism, many in the last 120 years have sought a “third way” economic system—an alternative to capitalism and socialism. Catholics from Hilaire Belloc and… Continue Reading →
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