The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



What is this? Common Core for religion?

“Help the snake talk to eve.”

Something All Christians Can Agree On

St. Matthew Reveals Hope for Statist Catholics

Among the early followers and apostles of Jesus, Matthew is mentioned in Matthew 9:9 and Matthew 10:3 as a tax collector who, while sitting at the “receipt of custom” in Capernaum, was called to follow Jesus: As Jesus passed on… Continue Reading →

The Same People Praising Colin Kaepernick for Taking a Knee for His Beliefs Are the Same People Who Told Tim Tebow to Stop Taking a Knee for His

Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

“I go directly to Jesus. Mary gets in the way.” I have to laugh when I hear this. I ask the person, “Why don’t you take your reading glasses off so you can look at the page directly?” I am… Continue Reading →

When Critics Try to Tell Libertarians What Libertarians Believe

I Was a Catholic Once….

“I was a Catholic once,” said the lady a few yards from me in the parking lot. “Now I’m a Christian and you can be one as well.” She preceded to hand a tract to a gentleman standing next to… Continue Reading →

Patrick Coffin Tries to Convert Jordan B. Peterson

In a great interview, Catholic apologist Patrick Coffin visits with Jordan B. Peterson and discusses religion and perhaps more than any interview, Catholicism. Great exchange:

Melania Trump Had White House Exorcised Before Moving In, US Pastor Says

Pastor Paul Begley on his radio show testified to a ‘spiritual cleansing’ of the White House by Melania Trump before they took residence. Melania Trump, who is the first Catholic first lady to live in the White House since Jacqueline… Continue Reading →

Jordan B. Peterson and Ben Shapiro Show The Universe How to Dialogue on the Rubin Report

Two of the most well-spoken advocates for freedom and responsibility take the stage on one of the best free thinking forums today. The individual versus the state, religion, gender politics, and the art of the conversation. This needs to happen… Continue Reading →

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