The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate




The crowd chose Barabbas, not because they liked him but because they hated the Truth.

“One of the methods of Communist propaganda in the United States is to speak of Communism as ‘democracy,’ in order to hide its dictatorship.” -Fulton J. Sheen

A Majority Doesn’t Justify Tyranny

The method of installing a government does not legitimize the wrongs of that government. Tyranny is evil no matter how many people voted for it (or in the case of the 2020 presidential election, didn’t vote for it).

Chesterton: ‘There is no meaning in democracy if there is no meaning in anything.’

A Lie Doesn’t Become Truth Just Because A Majority Tell It

What’s the Biggest Threat to Democracy?

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