The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


democratic socialism

Sowell: Why is it ‘Greed’ to Want to Keep the Money You’ve Earned but not Greed to Want to Take Someone Else’s?

A Majority Doesn’t Justify Tyranny

The method of installing a government does not legitimize the wrongs of that government. Tyranny is evil no matter how many people voted for it (or in the case of the 2020 presidential election, didn’t vote for it).

Venezuelans Didn’t Want Venezuela Either

Married to the Bernie

Socialism. Not Even Once.

Democratic Socialists Ignore Democratic Socialist Venezuela

Another take:

Watch How Democratic Socialists Can’t Define Democratic Socialism

This is an amazing compilation of supporters of democratic socialism unable to clearly articulate what democratic socialism is or how it is different from socialism: As Ben Shapiro says adding “sandwich” to “turd” doesn’t make it more palatable. It’s still… Continue Reading →

No, democratic socialism is not compatible with Catholic social teaching

In an article in the Jesuit American Magazine, Brianne Jacobs argues that the current wave of democratic socialism crashing over the Democratic party is in line with Catholic social teaching. She writes that in three ways, democratic socialism is Catholic… Continue Reading →

Socialism or Toilet Paper. It’s Your Choice America

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