The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Education and War

While the sentiment of this meme is nice, it makes some false assumptions and is in fact incorrect. A civilization doesn’t spend money on peace unless you consider everything in trade outside of war to be peace expenditures, in which… Continue Reading →


Indiana Teacher Fired for Exposing Public School Indoctrination

A public school teacher and parent in Indiana has been fired after exposing political and moral indoctrination at her school. Jennifer McWilliams started Purple for Parents Indiana to combat the national Red for Ed campaign designed to further politicize schools…. Continue Reading →

Separation of Church and State is Not Constitutional

There are so many things wrong with this Tweet response including the fact that having an option isn’t forcing anything and the First Amendment doesn’t call for a separation of church and state.

They Don’t Want Statist Indoctrination So They Must’ve Been Infiltrated By Russia!

Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth Ann Seton is one of our favorite libertarian Catholics. Born on August 28, 1774, the second child of a socially prominent couple, a surgeon, Dr. Richard Bayley and Catherine Charlton of New York City. The Bayley and Charlton families were among the… Continue Reading →

How Three Academics Trolled Corrupt Left-Wing Academia

Three self-proclaimed left-wing academics just showed how corrupt and illegitimate the liberal arts have become. In their study dubbed “Sokal Squared”, which can only be described as academic trolling, they submitted ridiculous papers (eg ““Human Reactions To Rape Culture And Queer… Continue Reading →

Ohio Class Icebreaker “Whom to Leave Behind” is Everything Wrong with Society

Students at an Ohio middle school were asked to decide who they would leave behind if the world was about to end, using age, religion and other descriptions as markers for their decisions The assignment is ostensibly designed to get… Continue Reading →

How Gender Studies Infiltrates Middle and High Schools

A mother of an incoming freshman in a Virginia high school had a look through the school’s website. After a few clicks, she found herself in the library’s research section and was horrified. One of the two Humanities categories was… Continue Reading →

But Without Government Who Will Provide Health Care and Education for the Poor?

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