The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


Fulton J. Sheen

Sheen: There Aren’t 100 People in the US Who Hate the Church; There are Millions Who Hate what they Think is the Church

Sheen on Religion and Liberty

“Religion and the rights of man go hand in hand. The decline of human liberty in the world is in direct ratio with the decline of religion. Religion and tyranny grow in indirect ratio. That is why those states which… Continue Reading →

“One of the methods of Communist propaganda in the United States is to speak of Communism as ‘democracy,’ in order to hide its dictatorship.” -Fulton J. Sheen

Sheen: ‘The conflict of the future is not between democracy and dictatorship, but between a State-religion and a God-religion’

From “Freedom Under God” by Fulton J. Sheen

‘Freedom Under God’ Audiobook Giveaway

Our publisher Libertas Press has just released the audiobook for “Freedom Under God” by Fulton J. Sheen. To celebrate, we’re giving away 25 copies to our subscribers. Just sign up at and confirm to be entered to win!

‘Let Religion Die Out of the Hearts of Citizens and the Virtues Essential for Democracy Die with it.” – Sheen

From “Freedom Under God” by Fulton J. Sheen

Corporations are Socialist

Corporations have long been a boogieman of socialists and communists because, according to them, everything that is not owned by the collective is capitalist. As Politstrum International states: “Modern corporations are large capitalist enterprises created specifically by the development of… Continue Reading →

Our Declaration of Independence from Tyranny Requires a Declaration of Dependence on God

“Given a freedom which is independent of God, independent of moral law, independent of inalienable rights as the endowment of the Divine Spirit, and America could note itself out of democracy tomorrow. How can we continue to be free unless… Continue Reading →

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