The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


George Cardinal Pell

70+ Bishops Issue Warning German ‘Synodal Path’ May Lead to Schism

More than 70 bishops from around the world have released a “fraternal open letter” to Germany’s bishops warning that sweeping changes to Church teaching advocated by the ongoing process known as the “Synodal Path” may lead to schism. Those lending… Continue Reading →

If the world hates you…

Is Cardinal Pell a Victim of a Political Witch Hunt?

Australian Cardinal George Pell has been convicted on charges of sexual abuse of minors. While this may seem like a good thing in the wake of scandal across the globe, this may be a case of a political witch hunt…. Continue Reading →

Cardinal George Pell Convicted of Sexual Abuse; Pope Francis Purges Cabinet

One of Pope Francis’s trusted Council of Cardinal Advisors, Cardinal George Pell, has been convicted in Australia on all charges he sexually abused two choir boys there in the late ’90s, according to two sources with knowledge of the case…. Continue Reading →

Atheist Richard Dawkins Gets Owned by George Cardinal Pell on Creative Nothing

The atheist argument of “something from nothing” reminds me of a four-month-old who sees his mom come into the room and thinks she popped into existence from nothing. Its only purpose seems to be to rile up theologians. George Cardinal… Continue Reading →

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