Many people see our name “The Libertarian Catholic” and instantly erupt in a self-congratulatory spasm of pompous disbelief. “How can you be libertarian and Catholic at the same time?” they scoff. These people usually have a sophomoric understanding of either… Continue Reading →
Many Catholics and Christians have a false understanding of libertarianism. They think that Ayn Rand invented the philosophy or that it’s a spawn of the atheistic Enlightenment. They insist that it is a degenerate philosophy in which “doing what you… Continue Reading →
In 1864, Pope Pius IX issued the Syllabus of Errors, which condemns modern liberalism. The reasoning behind this, the Pontiff wrote, is that, “for the last few years, a ferocious war on the Church, its institutions and the rights of… Continue Reading →
In the 2001 book Democracy: The God that Failed, Hans-Hermann Hoppe provides a compelling libertarian argument for monarchy. While Hoppe gets some predictions wrong, his thesis that monarchy as a “privately-owned government” is inherently more responsible and accountable to the… Continue Reading →
There might be a strong case to classify the Austrian School as a conservative school of economic thought instead of keeping it as the libertarian doctrine it is known nowadays.
Every time I read Richard Weaver’s magnum opus, Ideas Have Consequences, there is a sentence, written in one of the last chapters of the book, that really catches my attention: “It is not a little disquieting to realize that in… Continue Reading →
Many people think that libertarianism was brought forth in the United States (US). Contrary to European cases, US Constitution is based in natural law and restrains of government interventions. At the same time, Southern Confederates did believe in political decentralization… Continue Reading →
Distributism doesn’t mean what you think it does. It’s not some kind of baptized-socialism that should more accurately be called “redistributionism.” Distributism is radical. It’s self-reliant. It’s a man-against-the-world anarchy that even the most committed acolyte of Ayn Rand can… Continue Reading →
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