The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Alyssa Milano Versus My Guns

Pro-Choicer Hugging Foster Kid

Alabama House Overwhelmingly Passes Abortion Ban

A bill making it a crime for a doctor to perform an abortion passed in the Alabama House of Representatives Tuesday 74 to 3. “The heart of this bill is to confront a decision that was made by the courts… Continue Reading →

44 Senators Who Voted Against to Deny Care to Babies Born Alive After an Abortion

Anne Boleyn with No Body on Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! Anne Boleyn was Queen of England from 1533 to 1536 as the second wife of King Henry VIII. Their marriage, and her execution by beheading, made her a key figure in the political and religious upheaval that… Continue Reading →

Insta-killed because your mom wants to make Power-Points instead of raise you

Worms Are More Important Than Innocent Human Babies to Democratic Legislator [Really]

On January 9th — the same day Virginia Democrat Kathy Tran introduced her abortion bill that would legalize infanticide, she submitted “House Bill No. 2495 — Eradication of fall cankerworm; spraying prohibited during certain months.” Whereas 2491 puts to death… Continue Reading →

There’s no such thing as a “safe” abortion

I Heartbreak NY

What Does #ShoutYourAbortion Look Like When You Replace Abortion With Genocide?

The #ShoutYourAbortion campaign took off in 2015 when founder Amelia Bonow just couldn’t take the stigma that killing her baby had. It recently regained some steam when Oprah Winfrey’s magazine O featured an article with Bonow talking about the inspiration… Continue Reading →

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