The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



In Defense of Intermediate Bodies and Sphere Sovereignty: What the NatCon Manifesto Could Take from Catholic and Reformed Thought

We are conservatives because we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres as the living tissue of society, we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres, in which the virtues to sustain civilization are promoted and taught in each generation, building traditions based on moral principles and institutions that are meant to preserve the historical common good for future generations. We are also classical, for we firmly believe that there are different spheres of class to which each individual person belongs, fulfilling different roles and exercising different rights in each; a set of mutually inclusive allegiances that allow the free development of the best in our nature, both individually and socially.

BREAKING: Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v Wade

Politico is reporting that the US Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe versus Wade, the landmark decision that legalized the killing of preborn humans in the country. The decision was leaked in an initial draft majority opinion written by… Continue Reading →

Chrysostom: “Equality imposed by force would achieve nothing and do much harm”

Is Spanish Traditionalism Based On Christian-Inspired Libertarianism?

Many people think that libertarianism was brought forth in the United States (US). Contrary to European cases, US Constitution is based in natural law and restrains of government interventions. At the same time, Southern Confederates did believe in political decentralization… Continue Reading →

If liberals are morally superior, why do they need a 3rd-party government to help others?

Brain damage tends to make people statist

A Brief Histogram of the State Versus Church

George Washington on Political Parties

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the… Continue Reading →

Chesterton: I Never Discuss Anything Besides Religion and Politics

Talking Religion and Politics

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