How many fallacies will you encounter?? Our Summa of the Pro-Life Position is a good counter to all of them:
The Catholic News Agency is reporting that the Vatican has dismissed Director of the pro-life organization Priests for Life Father Frank Pavone from the priesthood for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his… Continue Reading →
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) went down to the House floor on Thursday to announce her farewell to the Democratic leadership and the American people, CSN News reported. In her speech, Pelosi called herself, “A devout Catholic,” among other things. “My colleagues, I… Continue Reading →
The Feds have declared war on the Pro-life movement evidently. Franciscan Friar Christopher “Fidelis” Moscinski, 52, who is serving jail time on a state conviction for blocking women from entering a Westchester County clinic has been hit with federal charges for… Continue Reading →
The Supreme Court has overturned the controversial Roe V. Wade decision that paved the way for legalized abortions across the country. The court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization upheld a law from Mississippi that bans abortion after 15 weeks… Continue Reading →
On Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized prolife voters who voted for Donald Trump on the abortion issue, saying their votes cause her “great grief as a Catholic” and accusing them of “being willing to sell the whole democracy down… Continue Reading →
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