The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Pope Francis Dismisses Bishop Strickland

(LifeSiteNews) After the Vatican undertook an investigation of one of the most popular Catholic bishops in America, who is also one of the most outspokenly pro-life bishops, Pope Francis abruptly removed him from his duties today. Pope Francis sacked Texas… Continue Reading →

BREAKING: Iowa Supreme Court Rules Abortion not Protected by State Constitution

The Iowa Supreme Court on Friday cleared the way for lawmakers to protect the lives of all preborn humans in the state, reversing a decision by the court just four years ago that guaranteed the so-called right to abortion under… Continue Reading →

BREAKING: Oklahoma House Passes Law Protecting Nearly All Pre-Born Lives

Lawmakers in Oklahoma have passed a bill that would nearly all pre-born human beings in the state. The bill would criminalize performing an abortion in almost all cases, except where it could “save the life of a pregnant woman in… Continue Reading →

Now Do Abortion

Walsh on Coronapocalypse

Pro-Abort Logic

When you fail to recognize the humanity, anything is acceptable.

Abortion is the New Slavery

Elizabeth Warren Wants to Kill Poor People

Ben Carson on the state of society

Pope Francis Says Abortion Never Justified; Akin to Hiring a Hitman

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said Saturday that abortion can never be condoned, even when the fetus is gravely sick or likely to die, and urged doctors and priests to support families to carry such pregnancies to term. Speaking to a Vatican… Continue Reading →

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