The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Pro-life Death Penalty Feminism and Sharia Law

A Helpful Primer About Human Life

Alabama House Overwhelmingly Passes Abortion Ban

A bill making it a crime for a doctor to perform an abortion passed in the Alabama House of Representatives Tuesday 74 to 3. “The heart of this bill is to confront a decision that was made by the courts… Continue Reading →

‘Unplanned’ is Unplanned Success in Opening Weekend; Could Make Major Difference

Movie to Movement producer Jason Jones thinks that the film Unplanned about Abby Johnson’s transformation from Planned Parenthood manager and advocate to ardent pro-life activist could be the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of abortion. The pro-life argument has been thoroughly defended… Continue Reading →

Alyssa Milano’s Sickening “Fringe” Argument for Abortion

Plea from the Preborn

Republican Pro-life Sticks and Carrots

Where’s the lie?

New Mexico passes most extreme abortion bill in country

The Culture of Death is marching in New Mexico. Following the New York abortion law celebrated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Vermont is pushing a “right to abortion” bill that goes even further. But opponents of a new abortion bill in… Continue Reading →

Insta-killed because your mom wants to make Power-Points instead of raise you

Baby Killers

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