The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Don’t Be Silly

Nick Sandmann’s statement on the Covington Catholic Nathan Phillips incident

I am providing this factual account of what happened on Friday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial to correct misinformation and outright lies being spread about my family and me. I am the student in the video who was confronted by… Continue Reading →

You’ll never guess which behavior media deemed inappropriate for society

Liberals’ Brain Melt Over Kavanaugh Supreme Court Hearing

The Same People Praising Colin Kaepernick for Taking a Knee for His Beliefs Are the Same People Who Told Tim Tebow to Stop Taking a Knee for His

Refugee Hypocrisy

Preventing refugees from entering the country isn’t a solution, but where was the outrage for the last 8 years while the government was bombing countries and funneling arms into war zones to create these refugees? Want to stop the refugee… Continue Reading →

Fashion Designers Refuse to do Business with Melania Trump

“The problem is not that Theallet was willing to dress Michelle Obama and isn’t willing to dress Melania Trump (which is, like it or not, a form of discrimination). The problem is just how many people don’t seem to think… Continue Reading →

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