Secularists: “We fought long and hard to leave superstition in the Dark Ages and I for one don’t want to go back!” Also secularists: *puts on a face mask with a hole in it to play saxophone and gets 10… Continue Reading →
As February 2021, the FDA had already received data showing 1,223 people had died from Pfizer’s COVID shots. And yet the FDA decided to authorize and push said shots on the world as a “cure” for the disease. Not only… Continue Reading →
Some elites and supranational entities, by means of governments, are trying to impose values based on a materialist, pagan, marxist, pro single government, French-Revolution-inspired and totalitarian “false religion”.
Three self-proclaimed left-wing academics just showed how corrupt and illegitimate the liberal arts have become. In their study dubbed “Sokal Squared”, which can only be described as academic trolling, they submitted ridiculous papers (eg ““Human Reactions To Rape Culture And Queer… Continue Reading →
In 1952 Bertrand Russell wrote an essay for Illustrated magazine called Is There a God? in which he answered his own question in the negative by rehashing the problem of suffering and creating a new atheist argument concerning a celestial… Continue Reading →
Most people accept that there are strong religious arguments against abortion but those aren’t convincing for some people in those religions, let alone irreligious people. Therefore, we present the most definitive argument for the pro-life position using science, logic, and… Continue Reading →
As someone who teaches college level earth science courses, I take great interest in how science and religion are interpreted in the home. Through the years, I’ve known many students (as well as colleagues) who have erroneous ideas of God… Continue Reading →
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