The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Bishop Barron on The Ben Shapiro Show—Full Interview

One of the leading conservative commentators, Ben Shapiro, questions one of the foremost Catholic apologists. In the fascinating discussion, they delve into cosmology, theology, and a few other ologies. Critics will immediately jump on Bishop Barron’s position that those outside… Continue Reading →

No, la Iglesia no va a esconder evidencia en contra de Jesús

Recientemente leí un libro titulado La Dama Azul, de Javier Sierra. El libro es sumamente interesante, es una historia construida en torno a los hechos verídicos que se dieron con Sor María de Jesús de Ágreda, una monja que vivió… Continue Reading →

No, the Church Won’t Hide Evidence Against Jesus

I recently read a book titled The Lady in Blue, by Javier Sierra. The book is extremely interesting; it is a story based on the true events that happened in the seventeenth century, when a nun called María de Jesús… Continue Reading →

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