The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Moses Gadsden Flag

Félixberto Javier came up with the idea of the Moses Gadsden flag in response to the St. Michael Gadsden flag that conflated the rattlesnake and the Devil as if not wanting to be harmed is evil: This one is a… Continue Reading →

The Christian Bible and the Abolition of Slavery: A Powerful Catalyst for Change

The abolition of slavery stands as a significant milestone in human history, representing the triumph of justice and human rights. While various factors contributed to this momentous shift, one influential force that played a pivotal role was the Christian Bible…. Continue Reading →

Abortion is the New Slavery

Pro-Abortion Cheating Off Pro-Slavery Arguments

There is no good pro-abortion argument:

Happy Capitalism Day! Because Without Capital, Labor is Just Slavery

Take Down This Monument to Slavery!

Joseph and the Lessons of Power

The book of Genesis tells us the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob, who lived in Canaan with his father and his brothers and had the God given ability to interpret dreams. His brothers, motivated by jealousy, decide to… Continue Reading →

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