The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Capitalism Versus Socialism

A Majority Doesn’t Justify Tyranny

The method of installing a government does not legitimize the wrongs of that government. Tyranny is evil no matter how many people voted for it (or in the case of the 2020 presidential election, didn’t vote for it).

Viganò: The Church of Pope Francis ‘Snatches the Crown from Christ the King in the name of Masonic Globalism’

In preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception The rich man who feasted in the Gospel parable (Lk 16: 19-31), after being condemned to hell for not having helped the poor man Lazarus, asks Abraham to warn his five… Continue Reading →

List of All the People Lifted Out of Poverty by Socialism

Charity Versus Socialism

Pope Francis Bows to Caesar in Brazenly Socialist ‘Fratelli Tutti’

In his latest encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” Pope Francis has contradicted centuries of Catholic teaching by trying to reconcile socialism with the Catholic faith. Pope Francis is basically saying that the modern world has problems: 170. I would once more observe… Continue Reading →

We Demand You Guys Run Healthcare

Is Global Socialism a Symptom of Coronavirus?

Last week, the WHO claimed a pandemic situation because of COVID-19. At March 19 5pm, there had been more of 230,000 reported cases, according to Worldometers. The first countries to be hit hard were China, Iran, Italy, Spain, Germany and… Continue Reading →

If you don’t like stores running out of basic necessities, you’re not going to like socialism…

Did We Lose the Cold War?

Something tells me this guy’s solution is what caused the problem.

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