In the wake of the Vandals’ sack of Rome, St. Augustine authored City of God, a seminal work delineating his two-cities doctrine. This doctrine separates the earthly city from the City of God, reflecting a profound understanding of the interplay… Continue Reading →
From City of God: Depraved by good fortune, and not chastened by adversity, what you desire in the restoration of a peaceful and secure state, is not the tranquillity of the commonwealth, but the impunity of your own vicious luxury.
As early as the fifth century, St. Augustine of Hippo was considering the moral consequences of war. He was one of the first people to articulate a philosophical statement on war and justice, known as the Just War doctrine. St…. Continue Reading →
Also, it’s important to note that while the lion quote has been widely attributed to St. Augustine, it’s not clear that he actually said or wrote it. A similar quote is being attributed to someone else: “The Word of God… Continue Reading →
City of God Book IV Chapter 4: Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? For what are robberies themselves, but little kingdoms? The band itself is made up of men; it is ruled by the authority… Continue Reading →
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